Funny Tech Questions

Memorable moments from tech support.

Here are some of the funniest tech questions I've received:

1. "Why won’t my computer turn on during a power outage?"

User: "The building doesn’t have power, but I need my computer to work. Can you fix it?"

2. "Why doesn’t my computer work without the magic smoke?"

User: "It used to work fine after the magic smoke came out of the back, and now it won’t turn on."

3. "Can you download more RAM for me?"

User: "I heard you can download extra RAM to make my computer faster. Can you do that for me?"

4. "Why doesn't my wireless mouse work without a wire?"

User: "I thought it was wireless, but when I unplug the cable, it stops working."

5. "Can you fix my cupholder?"

User: "The cupholder in my computer is stuck and won't slide out anymore." (They meant the CD drive.)

6. "Why won't my computer boot up?"

User: "It was working fine until I spilled coffee on the keyboard. Now nothing works!"